YOU, Inc. is an annual event dedicated to real estate agent training hosted by HomeServices of Iowa. The company offers no-fee credit courses for agents to put towards their license renewals. The day features 12 different courses, a key-note speaker, and a preferred partners vendor hall.

Training Event || Event Planner + Creative Director: Jill Buckendahl || Designer: Stephanie Mathis



  • Concept & Theme Design

  • Media Management

  • Event Marketing

  • Marketing Communication Management

  • Registration

  • Logistics


Event Design + Marketing Communication || Because this event revolves around agent training and business development, the look and feel emulates exactly that. Social media activity and email communications were leveraged to drive attendance, and Iowa Realty University, the host of all courses for the day, launched a new online system to improve the efficiency and ease of registration.


Vendor Hall || The event featured a vendor hall in the ballroom where 21 company preferred partners and local businesses were able to interact with 400+ realtors during the day.

Key Note Speaker, Nick Mitchell || Grandview University National Champion Wrestling Coach gave a keynote based around living a champion lifestyle and how to level up when faced with adversity.


Course Instructors || Many agents and certified instructors taught sessions throughout the day. One of the most popular courses? “Speed Dating: Current & Best Practices of Top Producers” - A new class concept that invited attendees to gather in small groups for a small portion of time to ask Top Producers in the company any questions on how they built their businesses and success. The class featured 5 Top Producers with timed rotations every ten minutes.